Vaginal Rejuvenation

WEBSITE 2020 MW5 1

Vaginal rejuvenation is an increasingly popular sought-after treatment that can improve one’s quality of life. At Southern Cosmetic Laser we offer the CO2RE Intima Laser the “Gold Standard” for vaginal wellness. Clients are super delighted this technology is now available.
Regardless of age, women can experience vaginal dryness, thin vaginal skin and painful intercourse. Vaginal looseness will often cause decreased sensation with sex and is a very common complaint for many women after childbirth and menopause. The change in sexual pleasure may be subtle in some cases, but it can be drastic in others to the point of significantly affecting personal relationships and sexual satisfaction.

One of the distinguishing benefits of the CORE Intima over other lasers is the ability to treat both the internal and external genitalia. Intima treats the inside of the vagina to help with painful intercourse, dryness, stress urinary incontinence, laxity, incontinence, yeast infections, and friction, as well as, treating the external vulva to help with loose, lax skin and pigment changes. This helps with the overall appearance of the genital area and can improve one’s confidence and sexual pleasure.


Many clients report improvements after only one treatment in increased vaginal lubrication resulting in less painful intercourse, improved stress incontinence, and intimate feeling. Other clients report their vaginal muscles feel tighter and stronger, and the muscle contractions that occur during orgasm are much stronger now. As an added benefit, some clients see cosmetic improvement on the outside area and are ecstatic about this “side benefit.” Clients who do regular kegal exercises say this procedure has done far more for their sexual feelings and responses than exercises could ever do.

Three treatments are recommended for optimal, long-lasting results, spaced 3-4 weeks apart followed by an annual maintenance treatment. Vaginal tightening treatments are non-surgical, safe and effective with mild to no discomfort, and little downtime. Most clients say procedure feels somewhat like a pap smear.

We understand this is a very intimate, sensitive subject. SCL is here to provide a confidential, personalized, and private consultation to learn more about vaginal wellness.

Call us today to learn more about Core Intima or
to schedule your appointment.

Treatable Conditions:

  • Urinary Leakage
  • Vaginal Dryness / Laxity
  • Labial Sagging
  • Vaginal Atrophy
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Stress
  • Urinary Incontinence