Stretch Marks

Treatment Options
If you’re among the 90 percent of women who suffer from stretch marks, you’re aware that they are beyond annoying and tough to beat on your own. They can be challenging, but not impossible to treat.
Stretch marks are indented streaks that often appear on the stomach, hips, butt, breasts, and thighs. Newer stretch marks are pink-red-purple (striae rubrae) and mature stretch marks (striae alba) are silvery-white. Stretch marks typically form when a person gains weight rapidly or is pregnant. The skin stretches so quickly that the elastic tissue in the skin actually tears. That is why the marks don’t go away when the person loses weight or is no longer pregnant. There seems to be genetic factors that make some people more prone to stretch marks than others.
We find that Genius by Lutronic, an advanced energy- based technology, does an amazing job treating these marks using using radiofrequency to heat the deeper dermis increasing the effects. We also use a combination of vascular lasers for reddish-purple stretch marks, such as the Vbeam Perfecta, and one or more modalities for raised, reddish stretch marks such as fractionated CO2 resurfacing technology which encourages collagen remodeling and helps improve their appearance. Depending on the location, size and depth of the marks, mechanical microneedling is another option.
So if you decide to tackle your annoying stretch marks, you will need at least six months out to have time to undergo three to six treatments for optimal results. We have plenty of experience treating stretch marks with successful results.
Call today to schedule your consultation!
Before & After